I totally missed the Tour de Fleece this year. In my defense, we adopted two kittens this summer. Our home was feeling a little too empty after the second of our two older cats passed (one at 17 years, the other at 18 years). We love our dog, but we're still cat people. Our babies came from a local egg farm (free range egg farm, Cox Produce). The farmer found them abandoned in their fields and needed a good home for them. We're so grateful that they took such good care of them until they found a home, ours.
Our home has been much more lively and entertaining, but it has taken a lot more of our attention. I am finally finding some time without feline help (and tails moving dangerously close to my wheel) to be able to spin and weave again.
This wool is from Heelside Farms in Red Oak, NC. I purchased it last year at the Carolina Fiber Fest in Raleigh, NC. It's from Cleopatra, a Finn/Cormo cross sheep and it's beautifully dyed in turquoise, yellow and brown shades. It was a different texture than what I'm used to spinning, but once started, has been really fun to do in more of a long draw style.
I'm going to try this on my loom with a weft-faced style weave, not sure what the end goal is yet. I just finished the first two ounces and have started on the second two ounce sections. I just got the book
Weft-Faced Pattern Weaves by Nancy Arthur Hoskins. This is going to be like taking an in-depth course in weaving. I'm so looking forward to diving into this book. So much to do, so little time.