Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tablet Weaving

I have been learning to weave with cards, or tablets, combined with my inkle looms during these stay-at-home times. I love the active role of the square cards which greatly increase the complexity of a narrow weave. I have several small sets of various sized cards. I started learning with the Palmer Looms cards, two-inch squares with the ABCD, and color-coded sides. These are great to learn with, especially if, like me, color helps you organize.

I have a larger set by Brush Creek Wool Works, but I think with the size of my hands, they may prove to be a little large. I decided to try to make a set on my Cricut Explore Air with scrap 140-pound watercolor paper.  I have quite a bit from making the watercolor paper explosion boxes on my Tangled Moons Etsy Shop. The nice thing about cutting them on the Cricut is that you can also draw the letters to mark the holes and color code if you wish. I made a set three inches square and they are doing very well for weaving. I think I would be a little more comfortable with slightly smaller cards next time, maybe 2.5" would be a good fit for me. I'm also hoping to make some sets for The Irresistible Ewe Etsy Shop.

I tried to explain card weaving to my mother over the phone, but she said she needs to see this in person. I'll try to upload a video here to share with her and everyone else. I couldn't get it to go through on Facebook, but maybe it will work here. The pattern I'm weaving is from the book, A Tablet Weaver's Pattern Book by J Mullarkey, M. Emerson Holtzer, L Hoffman, J Treumann, and B White. I would highly recommend it if you're looking for less history and more patterns.

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